Monday, 13 August 2012

Letting go

Let go” ... How many times have you heard someone say this? How many times have you wondered “what does this even mean?” “How do I do it?” Pondering upon this very phrase for a while now, I have taken it to mean that you sometimes have to let sleeping dogs lie. It doesn't mean that you destroy them or throw them away. Put them aside (for a bit).

When do we have to let go?
There are many situations where we have to let go of something, a cheating partner perhaps, an abusive person, the loss of someone or, sometimes, just a memory. Whatever the hidden reasons are, you can only move forward if you aren't holding onto the baggages of the past.

Why do we have to let go?
You can’t heal if the pain doesn’t go away & you can only be at peace if you face your demons. Trusting another person is a reflection of how much you trust yourself to be strong enough to deal with possibly losing them. Never beat yourself up. You made it through your last experience & you will certainly make it though this one.

The change begins with you: How to let go of the past
Accept that the past cannot be undone. Tell yourself that you did your best in the circumstances & if you had a chance to go back, you would do the exact things again because that's who you were & that's what you knew then.

Forgive your mistakes. Constant reminiscing on what you could've, should've or would’ve done is unhealthy & pointless.

Own your thoughts. Train your mind to gently draw itself back to the present when your mind wanders to hurtful moments.

Time heals. All wounds heal no matter how you feel right now. Scars remind us of how strong we are.

Meet new people. You don't have to produce another life but try freeing yourself up to new possibilities.

Find yourself. Learn something new. You’d be amazed at how much of fun you’ll have.

Volunteer your time.  Help someone needy. You’ll be shocked at how someone else’s pain can make you forget your own.

Confessions. Express your emotions & let them know you have moved on.

Forgiveness. It is the keying to finding your inner hero.

In summary
View life as an unravelling of possibilities. Nothing is really lost, because every path not taken is a discovery. You have boundless opportunities ahead of you, all equally good. Letting go of one thing means you can grab another. Remember how Tarzan swung from vine to vine, catching as he let go? Well, so can you, as you glide through life with enthusiasm & marvel, instead of clutching on to one single vine & maintaining that this is it for you. Remember, letting go is not the same as giving up.


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