Thursday 5 April 2012

Drink responsibly this Easter

O-k, you alcoholics, the Easter weekend is coming up...
Have fun this holiday - but if you drink, do it responsibly. Here’s some advice – take it, dammit!!

As you head toward your holiday destinations, here are some useful tips to ensure that you keep safe while still having fun over this period: 
Appoint a designated driver
When planning a night out, agree upfront with a friend who will be the designated driver. You don’t wanna hit a bump and spill some... (*bad joke*)... This person must refrain from drinking at all during the evening.
Eat while you drink
Always eat before drinking alcohol and try to eat while drinking.  It is particularly good to eat high protein and fatty foods such as cheese and peanuts or a burger and chips, which help to slow the absorption of alcohol into the circulatory system. Also drink plenty of water before, during and after drinking alcohol to ensure you keep hydrated. If you can remember!!!
Sip your drink slowly
If you gulp a drink for the effect, you are losing the pleasure of the experience and this will result in you getting intoxicated at a much fast rate. Pretend you are snails, you greedy swines.
Don’t accept open drinks from strangers
At a party, do not accept already opened drinks from matter how tempting the offer...
Space your drinks
When at a party, have a nonalcoholic drink between the alcoholic one to keep your blood alcohol concentration down. Space your alcoholic drinks out to keep the desired blood alcohol concentration. (*Eye roll*)
Use alcohol carefully if you're taking medication
This includes over-the-counter drugs such as sleeping pills and cold or cough medicines. Alcohol should be avoided while taking antibiotics or prescription medication.
Don’t supply drinks to underage persons
The South African legal drinking age is 18. (*Bwa ha ha*)

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