Wednesday 4 April 2012

Why do employers only think the sun shines outta your arse, when you have walked out the door...!!

Hi guys,
One more, before I sign off for the day...
Tell I live in a parallel universe or do some bosses just make you wanna turn around and whack them over the head, or better yet, on the arse with a cane...
Yes, you have guessed Horrible Bosses have targets on their backs. (*Completely off the point – I thought that movie was awesome*)...
Moving on – well, a while back I used to work for this company, and I left. I left because my boss (well, it took over from my real boss) was an undeserving shrew who had more pride than common sense. Hence, "it" couldn’t actually see the joys of me working Anyhoo... time went by, with each day seeming more wrist-slitting than the one before. Every time I'd hear that phony voice I would feel convulsions brewing the pits of my body. Yes, it happened. My boss would use any excuse to try to “expose” me...hahaha...yes, she appeared to be more of a drama queen than yours truly. worries people, I always rise...coz mighty never fall...ya ha ha...
Let me describe it to you folks: Perfectly rounded, like a Pillsbury muffin, beady eyes that would scrutinise your every move, cynical remarks whenever you were happy about your accomplishments, always waiting to pounce - like the sly fox it was. Then, in addition to having to tolerate the demon, you also had to put up with its two-faced, back-stabbing minion. Aaah, the joys.
Ok, ok, I’m getting side-tracked; yet again...
A week ago, I get a call from the company, very subtly, querying a few processes with me. I assisted, hung up and went about my merry life. A day later, another call, then another in same day...after which, work was eventually offered to me on contract...I had gotten to the point of shouting out “crap” every time I'd recognise the caller ID. So, the last time a call came through from them, I bluntly pointed out how this was wasting my valuable time, and that I am no longer a part of that company. All this, only to be asked what kind of package I would settle on, to work for them again. Yes, you guessed right, I saw red. Bitches!! What the hell would possess you into thinking that I would work for you again? And, do you want to know what the worst part was – my ex-boss didn't call – a colleague did. For f-sake! Anyway, the light at the end of the tunnel my dear friends, is them realising my worth...oh, how I revelled in holding the least until I slammed the phoned down on them...
So, tell me, do you have anyone like this in mind right now? I think, yes...
So, in keeping with the pig still having a twisted tail at the end of the day and all, I decided I could do better (which indeed turned out to be true)...and I left for greener pastures (damn, I sound cheesy).
And, here I find myself, after working for a decade...finally contentJ Doing what I love, and getting paid for is sweet yo!!!
Until tomorrow, be least one of us should... (**evil laugh**)


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